Sunday, March 30, 2014

Cape Town-Day 2

This is something i write on Sunday and just now able to post:

What a fabulous day! Let me start by saying that we could't have asked for better weather! It's Sunday, so naturally we went to worship, and we had the privilage of worshipping at Alan Story's church, Central Methodist Mission, which is steps from our hotel, in the heart of Cape Town. I was so deeply moved by Alan's sermon, by the clarity and boldness of its message, wishing I had the courage to speak so honestly about the Gospel. In his opening prayer he mentioned with "world wide web of our interconnectedness" which struck something in me I think  becuase that's what experiences like this remind me of- that as much as we try we are not isolated and it is impossible to act completely independant of those around and our actions at home most defintely affect those not just in our communities but on th other side of the world. I was also convicted of our cowardness in the American church by santizing the Gospel and aiding in all that is wrong in world by remaining silent. We have a crisis of courage in the church. Pastors here take this Jesus stuff seriously and are putting it all on the line to live it and speak out on behalf of the poor. Peter said on the first night that he thinks the Methodist church is on its way to non-existance if it doesn't start engaging the poor- and this is more than charity. The problems in South Africa are not all that different from ours, and while true partnerships are extremely difficult because of the issue of power, the connection with have to South Africa is a theological one. I think Brett is the one that said that. But a true partnership can't begin with money, which we are so quick to do. I think our intentions are good, but our means are destructive. We just had this enlightenin, honest, powerful conversations, and some of it made be hard for us to hear, but I think we're all here with a desire to be faithful in our discernment so the words are crucial. I think ideas and dreams are starting to take shape, but we also still have a little less than a week left. My hope and greatest desire at this point, for myself, is a balance of courage and wisdom in order to be faithful to really living this stuff Jesus talks about, havin a definite preference towards the poor- econmically and spiritually. I feel like I'm starting to see myself and the Church more honestly and I have my South African brothers and sisters to thank for that.

After a couple slower-paced, relaxing days, tomorrow we're heading out to some of the townships to seem more ministries. Can't wait to see what God has in store for us!

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