Tuesday, March 25, 2014

We've Arrived

So we made it to South Africa! The flight over wasn't as miserable as to be expected bc the flight wasn't full and i was able to spread out some and sleep. We landed ahead of schedule a bit, breezed through cutstoms, got our luggage and met our hosts for this leg of the trip- a wonderfully delightful couple, Jack and Joan. Jack is retired clergy and he was serving the churches during the apartheid struggle. Talking to Joan at the airport she shared some of the struggle the country has had shifting to a democracy, but described the country as being eternally hopeful- the people here, despite all the struggles and transitions to democracy not happening as smoothly as hoped, still hold on to hope that it will all work out, that under the racism that exists as in does in many countries, there's a hope and respect for all. So anyway, I can already tell we're going to learn a lot from Jack and Joan. 

So we left the airport, on our way to Liliesfiled Farm, where Nelson Mandela and other leaders of the armed struggle were arrested and later sentenced to life in prison on Robben Island, when our transportation broke down. So stuck on the side of a busy highway, people from the conference office rescued us and brought us to our lodging. So with a frazzeled Jack and Joan and lack of transportation, the trip out to the farm just isn't going to happen. So while that's a big bummer, on the bright side, we now have the rest of the day to rest up after our long journey. Tonight we're having dinner with the bishop and other leaders in the conference. Tomorrow we're going to Soweto to see Nelson and Winnie's home, and the moment erected to remember the blood shed that took place there. So much to learn and experience! 

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