Tuesday, March 25, 2014

We're not so different...

So last night we had dinner with the presiding bishop, general secretary, director of missions for the conference, and another leader in the conference. What a gift it was to spend that time with them! They shared how their church communities are so diverse with 11 different languages spoken in this area and that being one of the main challenges facing the church. They shared how the transition to democracy hasn't gone as smoothly as they had hoped. The bishop described it as their people having crossed the Red Sea, but not yet in the promised land. He described them as wondering through the wilderness, not yet to the promised land trying to find the way to a just democracy. They shared with us how the church is growing out, but not deep. The prosperity gospel has made its way in and pentecostal churches with an attractional model are popping up all over the place and how people are forgetting what it means to really follow Jesus. They said the were "over-churched and under -discipled." So discipleship is the focus of the conference right now and they are seeking holistic approach with 5 emphasis (I can't remember what they are right now). It was here that I sensed a deepe sense of connection and was reminded that thought our cultures are different and way of life is different, in the church we share some of the same struggles and can most definitely learn from one another. After dinner, I think we all felt encouraged by the possibility of future partnerships- partnerships, the emphasized that are to be a mutal sharing, a give and take, which is real partnership and the type of relationship we hope to establish as a result of this trip. Great things are ahead indeed.

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