Saturday, January 7, 2012

Made it!

So we made it!! It's Saturday night here and we've been in Kenya 24 hours now. It took us about that much time to get here. The plane rides were loooong. We were all sleep-deprived, jet-lagged, and in much need of showers, but everyone has been in good spirits. We stayed at the Methodist Guest House in Nairobi last night. Accommodations were perfect- we were able to lay horizontally :) Sleep under a mosquito is different. As I was going to sleep, I had the thought that I might wake up in a panic, unsure how to get out. No such panic happened. We spent the day in the vans traveling to Meru. We got to see a lot of the countryside. It's quite beautiful. They had a good rain season so everything is green. We stopped for lunch at the Trout Tree Restaurant. The monkeys in the trees around us put on a good show and posed for a few photos which was quite entertaining. The trout we had for lunch came right out of the ponds below. Food was good, but nothing could top the atmosphere. We got to see Mt. Kenya, which, in case you didn't know, is the only place on the equator you can find snow! We stopped at a Presbyterian-sponsored center for women. They showed us their trade and took us through the process of making rug from the point of where they sheer the sheep. Fun fact, they use beetle blood to get red dye. They're so resourceful and do beautiful work! Our base camp for this week is the Thiiri Cultural Center in Meru. It's a beautiful community outreach center run by a delightful American, former-Methodist pastor. She has a beautiful center here that does great work in this community. We met the synod-bishop and former Bishop of Kenya tonight at dinner. For worship tomorrow we're going to the installation service for the new synod-bishop (equivalent to a DS) for this area. We've been told the service will last 4 hours, at least! This will be quite a change from our American ways of holding our watches up to let the pastor know if the clock is a second past noon :) Should be a blessed day. Not sure what the rest of the day holds, but I'm looking forward getting the work started. We've been traveling until now, and now we are going to start meeting people and witnessing God's movement among us. I'd love to write more, but my time us up. We're here all week, so I'll be sure to post more. Thank you for your prayers!!
God's peace,


  1. Yay! You made it safely and hope by now you're getting some sleep even though its under a mosquito tent! I would love the fresh trout, I'm sure! Thanks for the blog and look forward to the next one! Tell everyone hello and be safe!

  2. Glad you all made the trip safely with no delays...
    Claudia and Frank Grice

  3. Glad to hear all is well. Be safe!

  4. So glad to know that you all arrived safely. Sounds like your schedule is full! Doesn't sound like anyone will be getting bored.
