Friday, January 13, 2012

Medical Clinic

Today was an....eye-opening day. Many of us were reminded just how spoiled we are with our health care. We have it and we still complain about it, while people here are suffering from diseases that are preventable, but they don't have the resources, and in the case of today, sometimes the medications to treat it. We saw 525 patients. The work was not as hard, as most of us spent the day inside packaging pills for the pharmacists or working traffic control. Had we not been there today, the people would not have been seen by doctors and recieved their medications. There were many people left untreated because we ran out of medication. So today I think we're thankful for a lot of things, one of which being our health care, as messed up as it may seem. At least we have something. Tomorrow we're doing another health clinic in a different location. Tonight after our devotions we got to hear from one of the scholarship-sponsored students at KeMU  who was one of the lost boys of the Sudan. He's about to graduate and plans to go back to the Sudan to evangelize to the people and share the love of Christ with other orphans. He's an incredible human being and we were touched by his story and his passion for life and God. Everyone continues to do well. This is a great team and I'm really enjoying the converstaion had with people and the relationships being built. I know this is short, but I think I'm going to wrap it up and try to get to bed early tonight. Hope you all are well!
Be blessed,

1 comment:

  1. So enjoy reading about your excursions everyday. Please tell Wilson that Anita is doing well in Tucson and staying busy although very ready to come home. The rest of us are fine and enjoying sunny warm weather. Give him a big hug from me. He'll enjoy it. thanks,
